AllergyPal App Support

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What is Allergy Pal?

Allergy Pal is an electronic record of a child's ASCIA allergy plan. The app helps you manage your child's food allergy and share their ASCIA action plan with friends and family. Everyone caring for your child can use Allergy Pal to help recognise the signs of an allergic reaction and administer appropriate first aid, including when and how to use an EpiPen® or Anapen®

Is Allergy Pal free to use?

The core features of Allergy Pal are free for everyone. With the free version, you can share your childs profile with two people. You are only required to upgrade to the paid version if you wish to share a profile with more than two people.

Can I add multiple profiles?

Allergy Pal allows you to add unlimited profiles. Perfect if you are have have multiple children with allergies.

Can I track medication in Allergy Pal

Allergy Pal helps you track medication and expiry dates. You can record your childs medication, the expiry date and where the medication is kept eg 'front pocket of school bag'. Allergy Pal will also notify you when your medication is expiring.

Can I share profiles with others

Yes. You can share your child's profile with up to two people in the free version of Allergy Pal. You can choose to share a full version that allows the  user to edit and add to a profile - great for spouses and partners. You can also share a read only version that is perfect for school, daycare etc.

Does Allergy Pal help in an emergency

Allergy Pal has a an emergency feature that helps carers manage allergic reactions by providing a simple workflow that can ensure appropriate first aid is administered. This includes when and how to use an EpiPen® or Anapen®

Is Allergy Pal clinically validated

Allergy Pal has been designed and developed by Murdoch Children's Research Institute, Australias leading peadatric research hospital. Allergy Pal is clinically validate dand ist scientific advisory board includes members from MCRI, Ascia and Allergy & Anaphlaxis Australia.